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In this line of business we are using Haskel Equipment

Haskel is specialized in air/gas driven systems used for the injection, dosing and metering of chemicals into oil and gas wells, pipelines, etc.


We are also proud to introduce the IRCD (Injection Rate Control Device) systems technology:

A single low flow IRCD tray unit

which can be fitted with either a

pressure guage or VA type

flow indicator Flow range 0 to 129ltr/hr

up to 15,000 psig.

A single low flow IRCD fitted

with a 3 way calibration valve for

 a single electronic flowmeter

shared between a number of IRCD's.


How Does the IRCD work ?

P&I Diagram of a typical IRCD system

(Click on image to enlarge)


Benefits of the IRCD:

  1. Smaller space requirements.

  2. Less weight, up to 60 kgs per injection point.

  3. Up to 50% lower installation costs.

  4. No moving parts.

  5. Less maintenance.

  6. Control at the injection point not at a remote pumping skid.

  7. Actual flow indication provided either locally or remotely.

  8. Can easily handle flows of less than 1Ltr/hr at pressures up to 15,000 psig.

  9. Easy to add additional units with virtualy no increase in space.

  10. Not susceptible to extremes of temperature.

  11. Not affected by the length of feed or injection line.

Comparison of a Palpro IRCD system compared to a conventional pump system on the Petrobras Spirit of Columbus P36 Project.


Electrically Actuated IRCD Units:

This electrically actuated IRCD is suitable for a zone 1 area. It can be controlled locally or remotely through a 4 to 20mA signal, and includes manual override facilities.

Sub-Sea IRCD Units:

This illustrates a sub-sea chemical distribution system.

The Chemical injection ring main can be a fixed steel construction carrying the total chemical flow to the distributors


(Click on image to enlarge)


Air/Gas driven injection pumps :

In this field Haskel is offering the most durable air/gas driven pumps .

  • Flow rates from 0.6 to 81,000 Lt/day

  • Pressure up to 36000 psi

  • Material construction of the pumps is designed to match all kinds of chemicals.




Electrical Driven injection pumps :

Durameter pump (By Haskel) is the first name in metering pumps built to last .

  • 10 years warranty on the drive case.

  • 4 years warranty on the cartridge.

  • Flow rates from 0.3 LPH to 6,245 LPH .

  • Pressure up to 3500 psi .

  • Manual stroke actuation

  • Electronic stroke actuation for remote control (available for hazardous areas)

  • Available with leak detection system and all necessary accessories.



High pressure fittings :

Butech (By Haskel) is offering the complete range of High Pressure fittings , valves and tubing

  • Pressure up to 150000 psi.

  • S.S construction.

  • Special products for oil field to withstand Sour Gas .          






For more information, Contact ihab@ariegsa.com



Ariegsa Engineering Group